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Spring 2004- the application of Sagvari Endre Általános Iskola has been completed and it has been sent to the Tempus National Foundation
Autumn 2004- the project is supported by the National Foundation

17-24. October 2004  Hartmann József, headmaster, Horváth Gabriella, teacher, Sherlein Márta teacher and Mészárosné Fehérvári Mónika teacher travel to Finland to take part in the opening ceremony of the project
29. October 2004- teaching staff meeting where the teachers discuss the tasks related to the project
November 2004-the notice-board of the project has been completed
The project can be seen on the webpage of the school under the menu of "Water in our life and environment"
November2004: -Notice board “Water in our life and environment” was finished by Nagygyörgy Lászlóné és Perléné Lovasi Katalin
- At the request of the Finnish coordinator institute we sent a document about the features of our school and they sent us the plans of the future application
- The project can be seen on the school web-site. It was made by Junger László. Illustrations and typescripts were made by Wilmek Ferenc.
- We got in touch with some organisations in the county. The Association of Technological and Scientific Societies ( MTESZ) which deals with environmental protection, organised an interesting workshop in our school.
- The local anglers’ association gave a presentation on the population of fish in the surrounding waters.
- The power station next to our town invited our students to visit the factory. They showed our students how they make water useful.
- We organised a maths competition in the town, and of course the problems connected to water life. On the competition there were children from other schools in the town and the surrounding villages. Organizer: Scherlein Márta.
- We organised a folk-song competition for the students in upper-classes. Teachers:Lantos Gyuláné, Doroginé Gut Ibolya, Jungerné Põcze Gabriella.
- Children in the first and sixth form made a model boat. Teachers: Szalainé Láng Mariann, Dr Jean Péterné.
- Children in class 3 made different paper patterns in their free time. Teacher:Káldy Lajosné
- We organised a card-making competition in the town. The topic of the competition was the snow. The best cards were copied by the local print shop and we sold them to the parents. Teachers: Nagygyörgy lászlóné, Perléné Lovasi Katalin.
- One of our classes made an aquarium from paper. Teacher: Gurszky Gézáné.
- There was a free time activity in which children in groups played and recalled their knowledge about the water. Teacher: Mészárosné Fehérvári Mónika
- Some students in upper classes are making a story-book to the younger students about the life of a river. This program is important because it helps to close the gap between the younger and older students.Teacher: Pap Lászlóné
- Szemánné Dubovinszki Andrea and her students from the environmental study group took part in a national meeting where they presented the work of the group.
- Hartmann József and Mészárosné Fehérvári Mónika took part in a professional meeting organised by the national Agency.
-An article about the project was appeared in the local paper “Krónikás”
December2004: -- Jungerné Põcze Gabriella made our syllabus-net, in which every teacher tried to represent topics related to water.
- Tordáné Zsigó Andrea. Made summary about the children who took part in the project
- We sent a letter to our partners about our completed work.
-We found some sponsors: We got assistance by some local factories: ZENON (they make water cleaning equipments), Vertesi Power Station, and Service Public Company of Oroszlány.
- Szemánné Dubovinszki Andrea took her students to the Vértes Power Station and the Sewage farm. They made video film about the visiting.
- Children from class 8 wrote e-mails to the children of the partner schools. Huma Erzsébet and Nagy Andrásné helped them.
- Students made calendars in the drawing study group. Teachers: Nagygyörgy Lászlóné and Perléné Lovasi Katalin.


Oroszlányi Hunyadi Mátyás Általános Iskola
Oroszlány, 2840 Havasi Márton utca 1-3.
Telefon: (34) 361-155, 361-145
Fax: (34) 361-155
Email: iskola[kukac]hunyadi.oroszlany.hu
OM: 031829

Iskolai alapítvány

"Szülők és Pedagógusok a Gyermekekért" alapítvány
Adószám: 19148463-1-11

Honlap elérhetősége: https://www.gyermekekertalapitvany.hu/